Stable Marriage

Gale and Shapley's stable matching algorithm addresses the problem of forming stable pairs in situations where individuals have preferences over one another. The algorithm proceeds through a series of rounds, where each unengaged individual proposes to their most preferred available partner, and each engaged individual holds on to the best proposal received. This process iterates until no further improvements are possible. The resulting matchings are stable because, at the end, no individual has an incentive to break their current pairing for an alternative one. This algorithm has widespread applications, from matchmaking in dating platforms to solving complex scenarios like job placements, where maintaining stability and fairness in partnerships is crucial.


Set A (this is the first set for the SM problem)
Caleb's preferences: ['Daniel', 'May', 'Ryan', 'Sadab']
Mark's preferences: ['May', 'Ryan', 'Sadab', 'Daniel']
Song's preferences: ['Sadab', 'Ryan', 'May', 'Daniel']
Marcos's preferences: ['Daniel', 'Ryan', 'Sadab', 'May']

Set B (this is the second set for the SM problem)
Sadab's preferences: ['Song', 'Mark', 'Caleb', 'Marcos']
Ryan's preferences: ['Mark', 'Song', 'Caleb', 'Marcos']
Daniel's preferences: ['Marcos', 'Mark', 'Caleb', 'Song']
May's preferences: ['Mark', 'Caleb', 'Song', 'Marcos']

Caleb matched with Ryan
Mark matched with May
Song matched with Sadab
Marcos matched with Daniel

Try it yourself!

Start by entering the total number of people being matched (from both sets):

[*] Gale, D., and L. S. Shapley. “College Admissions and the Stability of Marriage.” The American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 69, no. 1, 1962, pp. 9–15. JSTOR,